Marek Ormandik
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Jajkele sa rozpráva s Bohom / Jajkele Has a Conversation with God

- Tomáš Janovic


Pane, si geniálny umelec. Vymyslel si ľudskú hlavu. Ale to nie je všetko. Mohol si ju prepchať rôznymi taľafatkami, ovešať ornamentálnymi zbytočnosťami, ale ty si majster.

Tebe stačili štyri detaily - oči, ústa, nos a uši.
A pritom každá hlava je unikát, aj moja.
Iba štyri detaily, samozrejme podstatné, nič viac a nič menej, a hlava je hlava.
Veľké umenie je vždy jednoduché.
Pane, ako som už povedal, si veľký umelec. Máš cit pre mieru, máš vycibrený vkus.

Preto ti dávam do láskavej pozornosti obrazy Mareka Ormandíka.
Aj jeho hlavy majú iba štyri detaily, ktoré si vymyslel, ale žijú intenzívnejšie ako

nejedna naša.
Nezáviď mu.


Lord, you are a brilliant artist. You invented the human head. And that is not all. You could have stuffed it full of various trifles and hung needless ornamental things on it, but you are the master. All you needed was four details – eyes, mouth, nose and ears.
Every head is unique including mine.
Four details only, essential of course, nothing more, nothing less, and a head is a head.
Great art is always simple.
Lord, as I have already said, you are a great artist. You have a sense of proportion, you have excellent taste. That’s why I would like to bring to your kind attention the paintings of Marek
His heads also have only the four details which you created, but they live more intensively than many of ours.
Do not envy him.

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